Breast Reduction

Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Fairfield, CT and White Plains, NY

Breast Reduction Fairfield
— Real Patient —

Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, removes excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin to achieve a breast size in proportion with your body and alleviate the discomfort associated with overly-large breasts. Large breasts can lead to both health and emotional issues. The weight of excess breast tissue can interfere with your daily living activities and your ability to lead an active life. Neck pain, back pain, bra straps putting pressure on your shoulders and a rash under the breasts are some of the issues associated with large breasts. The self-consciousness of having large, pendulous breasts is as important an issue as all the above physical issues. Due to the physical issues, breast reduction may be covered by your insurance, depending on your insurance policy.

Breast reduction as well as all plastic surgeries and cosmetic treatments are an individual choice and should only be done for your personal goals and not to fit into someone else’s image of you. The most common procedures done with a breast reduction are Tummy Tuck or liposuction.

Before and After Photos

Breast Reduction Dr. Sofer’s Approach


According to Dr. Sofer, there is no “one formula” to correct all breasts. Aesthetically-pleasing breasts are a balancing act between volume, the skin envelope and the position of the areola. Once a volume is in place, the skin envelope and the areola repositioning will follow.

Breast Reduction Surgery Time

Depending on the surgical plan, the time ranges between 2.5 – 5 hours.


General anesthesia takes place at an accredited surgical facility or hospital setting. The anesthesia is provided by a board certified anesthesiologist.

Breast Reduction Incision

Depends on the surgical plan and amount of skin removed:

  • Around the areola, or
  • Around the areola and down to the fold (lollipop), or
  • Around the areola and down to the fold and along the fold (anchor)

Breast Reduction Recovery

While recovery varies between patients, in general:

  • Patients will be in the recovery room for 1 or 2 hours.
  • Patients will have to manage pain for around 3 days. Pain medications and muscle relaxants can help. Anti-inflammatory medications can also be used for soreness.
  • Patients can resume everyday activities within 7–10.
  • Patients can resume their exercise schedule within 4–6 weeks.

Breast Reduction Cost

Ask your insurance issuer what constitutes breast reduction medical necessity as each insurance company has its own policy and they may, in fact, cover the costs. If insurance does not cover the costs then they will depend on the amount of time in the operating room, which changes the co dts of OR and anesthesia.

Here is a rough breakdown of the fees:   These costs usually include a one time fee that includes everything from start to finish.

  • Initial consultation with the doctor and nurses for approximately 1 hour
  • Pre-op appointment that includes information gathering and paperwork review regarding medication and follow up appointments along with implant section photos. This lasts around 1-2 hours.
  • There is a plastic surgeon surgery fee as well as anesthesia for you surgery.
  • The fee for the operating room includes equipment, staff and the room fee.
  • Garments may or may not be included in the total cost.
  • There are around 3–6 follow-up visits that last between 15–30 minutes each and are all charged. Any bandages and equipment used during this time will also come with a cost.
  • Post-op photos come with a fee.
  • Patients will be provided with a surgeon who is on-call for 24 hours.

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